Save your book highlights easily.

Copy text from a photo or an existing image

Read the text to be highlighted out loud

Link the text to a Book and save

Copy text from a photo or an existing image

Read out the text to be highlighted

Link the text to a Book and save

How to
save a Highlight

Copy text using your camera 🪄

Choose an existing image or take a photo. And using the in built Optical Character Recognition technology copy the text to be saved.

Read out the text to be highlighted ✨

Copy text using your camera 🪄

Using the microphone on your phone read out the sentence from the book you want to highlight and it will automagically pop up.

Choose an existing image or take a photo. And using the in built Optical Character Recognition technology copy the text to be saved.

Read out the text to be highlighted ✨

Using the microphone on your phone read out the sentence from the book you want to highlight and it will automagically pop up.

Link highlight to the Book 🕵️

Search for the Book by it's name or by the Author and just select it to link it.

Link highlight to the Book 🕵️

Search for the Book by it's name or by the Author and just select it to link it.

There's more features coming soon

  • Discover highlights by other users

  • Find similar highlights, through the power of AI

  • Browse highlights by books or their authors

  • Book Recommendations based on highlights you like

  • Import highlights from Kindle and other apps

Keep your books in their best condition without the need to highlight the text

Keep your books in their best condition without the need to highlight the text

Just take a photo from Readlite and save it for later